Monday, July 19, 2010

Kitchen remodel: Day 15 -The good, bad and the ugly

Hi everyone!  Today is day 15 and I am doing some painting.  I thought I would do a quick post while waiting for my first coat to dry.  I want to share some of the good, the bad and the ugly of where I am at so far!  LOL!

- the kitchen cabinets have been rehung and are perfectly centered where they should be!
- the floors are in beautifully and thus reduced the DUST ALLERGIES significantly!
- I went on a shopping spree at a super cool store, Storables.  Ever been there?  WOW!  Complete heaven for us organizers!  I spent wayyyyy more than I should have, but look at a couple of the coolio things I got:
These aren't from the store, I bought them with my cabinetry, but check out my garbage/recycle bins!  Front mount sliding bins:

Under cabinet slide n' stack tubs, I installed these in less than 10 minutes:

Over the cabinet door towel rack I really don't have any place to hang towels and I am OBSESSED with kitchen towels!  Oh and like my cardboard countertop? LOL!:

And my FAVORITE thing isn't mounted yet, as I have to wait for the sink/garbage disposal, etc, to be installed but here is the link to it:  2-tier Chrome slide out rack

The BAD:
- I found out the process to patch, prep and texture the ceiling is a TWO DAY process, which means I will be delayed even more before getting to stamp.  sigh...

And here is The UGLY:
This is a pic of the top of my cabinets.  I am waiting for crown molding.  Not so pretty, huh?  Fingers crossed it WON'T take 6 weeks to arrive.

Thanks for stopping by everyone.  I have several stamping blog hops and such that I have planned at the end of the month.  Fingers crossed for me to sneak some time away to create something for them!

Eclipse movie update - I still haven't seen Eclipse (I know!  I know!).  I am MAKING time to see it tomorrow at the matinee.  I have to be gone when the ceiling is being prepped anyway!



  1. Girl..looks like you are having about as much fun as I am right now. I just saw your post on FB! Good luck, it's looking good. I am looking for a new place for us to live, and that is no fun.... hugs...Eva

  2. wow you are very busy!! but it will be so worth it in the end. Thanks for sharing the pics.

  3. I am so jealous...between you and Char, I want to reno mine day!!! You are going to LOVE Eclipse!!! Char and I will go with you again!!!

  4. I'm totally jealous of all those wonderful organizing goodies!! Especially love the garbage/recyle bins! Wonderfully out of the way and yet at your fingertips. Your new kitchen looks fabulous!! Crown molding will be simply amazing up top too. Enjoy Eclipse for me - it's been my favorite to date. Can't wait to hear how you like it :D

  5. I'm lovin' the cardboard countertops-no worries about cleaning, just toss them when they get dirty! LOL!! Its coming together beautifully and all the delays and flubs will be a distant memory when its finished. Have fun getting your Edward on!!


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